Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Things, All Around

(from http://faux-beau.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/where-the-wild-things-are.jpg)

Everyone I know (and plenty of people I don't) can't wait for Where the Wild Things Are, the Spike Jonze/Dave Eggers rendition of Maurice Sendak's classic tale. It was said over a year ago that the film was having problems since it was too weird and scary for children. Of course, that made me want to see it more, and it sounds like not too much has been altered for its release. A great article on Jonze and the process of bringing the ten-sentence book to screen was published in the New York Times last weekend.

Also, you can watch the trailer here

Everything about this film (soundtrack, cast, set and costume design, etc) looks perfect and beautiful, though with all the hype who knows...

Also, go see Inglourious Basterds. I wanted to go into the film without expectations so I won't ruin it for anyone by writing about it. Just see it. For the sake of your own cultural references for the next....forever, go see it.

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