Sunday, June 20, 2010

Food Porn

So, looking back on this blog I've determined that
a) I'm definitely not a perfectionist (so. many. typos.)
b) I have no idea what it's about
c) It's mostly just me rambling about things I find on the Internet.
d) I'm too sporadic about the updating to attract many readers besides my parents

So why am I continuing to update it? I guess on the off chance that someone else might be interested in the things I'm digging

But I've been considering turning this into somewhat of a food blog (the name's already fitting). As of late, my fat kid mentality has been kicking in tenfold, namely from an unhealthy Top Chef obsession and a desire to try every new restaurant in New York. I think in the past few weeks I have mostly just been talking about food with friends or planning menus, and I've been spending my lunch breaks reading food blogs on the Internet. I'm especially fond of my weekly date with NY Mag's food diaries, which are a day-by-day breakdown of the diets of local chefs, authors, and, on a rare occasion, celebrities. 
            I've been testing out recipes myself when I get ambitious (mostly on my days off). My most recent culinary foray consisted of Cajun tilapia with pineapple, mango, and jicama salsa (store bought), brown rice, zucchini, peppers and onions, cornbread (store bought), berries, and chocolate for dessert. If I'm going to get serious about this, photos are necessary (as this incredibly graphic food porn blog proves), and this was an awesomely colorful meal. Delicious, although cheating just a bit since so many things were pre-made from Whole Foods (by the by: although I had always connected Whole Foods with the "Healthy and the Wealthy" connotation (phrase jacked from a friend, although I'm pretty sure he stole it from someone else) three filets of tilapia cost me $7- to feed myself Mahi-Mahi the other night, it only cost me $3.50, pretty decent for something that feels so extravagant).

Also important: I recently read about this place called NYC Icy. Apparently they've opened (and closed, and opened, and closed) before, but this was my first experience with the chain. Being lactose-intolerant and a lover of extreme ice cream flavors, it's always a bit frustrating when summer rolls around and my budget for the proper medication has to double. So it's nice now that the vegans have inspired (or at least sustained) such places as Lulu's and Stogo. Sorbet/icy's have always been an option before, but this one definitely wins for inventiveness. The other night I tried a Mango Basil icy, which was a hard choice in the midst of flavors like cucumber, passion-fruit, and on the creamy side of the menu, Sweet Corn. Apparently Mango Basil is their most popular, and I highly recommend it's strange, refreshing taste and surprisingly smooth texture.  

Basically what I'm saying is, as I hope to improve upon my skills and as I continue to explore (as much as my wallet can afford) the New York culinary scene, I'll probably be gushing on this blog about the flavors that I try. So, if that's what you're into, be sure and check in. Hopefully more food porn will be coming your way.